Hello and welcome to the St Michael’s Catholic Primary School website. Our school has the highest of aspirations for all our children. We have an excellent team of staff who are all totally committed to ensuring every child in our care receives the best possible education in an exciting, happy, safe and secure environment.
‘This is a school where it’s easy to make friends’, ‘this is a caring school’ and ‘we feel safe here’ are typical of the comments that the pupils we spoke to made during the inspection. Pupils at the school speak over 40 languages, come from all over the world and have a wide range of abilities and interests.
Ofsted Report, February 2020.
School Opens (Mon 06 JAN)
Start of Spring Term 1
School Closes (Fri 14 FEB)
Spring Half Term Break
School Opens (Tue 25 FEB)
Start of Spring Term 2
School Closes (Thursday 10 April)
Spring End of Term Break
Contact St Michael's

Admin Team: Mrs Elson, Ms Hayes, Miss Lafferty & Ms Hyseni.
Address: St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, Guion Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L6 9DU.