Where the parents of a child are unable to meet any one of the charges the school may make, they can apply in writing and complete confidence, to the Headteacher for the remission of charges in part or full. The Headteacher in consultation with the finance committee will make any authorisation of the remission of charges.

Charging and Remissions: Summary
This Charging & Remissions Policy is guided by the DfE document ‘Charging for school activities May 2018’¹.
No charges will be made for activities that are not included in the charging and remissions policy. The policy defines each type of activity that will be charged for and when charges apply.
The school cannot charge for education during school hours, including any materials, books, instruments or other equipment, subject to the exceptions referred to in this policy.
If a charge is to be made for a particular type of activity, for example optional extras, parents will be advised of how the charge has been calculated, who may benefit from school subsidy (remissions) and how to apply.
The school will inform parents/carers on low incomes and in receipt of benefits of the support available to them when being asked for contributions towards the cost of activities.
This policy sets out circumstances in which the school proposes to remit or subsidise (wholly or in part) any charge which would otherwise be payable to them in accordance with the policy.
The school cannot charge for:
⦿ Admission applications to any state funded school
⦿ Education provided during school hours (including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other equipment)
⦿ Education provided outside school hours if it is part of the national curriculum¹, or part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the pupil is being prepared for at the school, or part of religious education
⦿ Instrumental or vocal tuition, for pupils learning individually or in groups, unless the tuition is provided at the request of the pupil’s parent
⦿ Entry for a prescribed public examination, if the pupil has been prepared for it at the school
⦿ Examination re-sit(s) if the pupil is being prepared for the re-sit(s) at the school²
¹ It should be noted that ‘part of the national curriculum’ is not restricted to learning outside the classroom experiences that are specifically subject based (e.g. geography or science fieldwork) and include, for example, activities designed to fulfil requirements under the national curriculum ‘inclusion statement’ (e.g. developing teamwork skills).
² If a pupil fails, without good reason, to meet any examination requirement for a syllabus, the fee can be recovered from the pupil’s parents.
The school can charge for:
⦿ School meals (except for those entitled to free school meals)
⦿ Materials, books, instruments, or equipment, where parents’ wish to own them
⦿ Provision of materials/ingredients for subjects such as Art & Design or Food Technology where pupils take home the finished product
⦿ Optional extras
⦿ Music and vocal tuition, in limited circumstances
⦿ Certain early years provision [Education Regulations 2012]
⦿ Community facilities [s.27(1) Education Act 1996]
Charging and Remissions Resources
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