Extra-curricular Activities

Clubs at St Michael's

At St. Michael’s we offer a great variety of extra-curricular activities. Being able to offer our children a wide range of diverse extra curricular activities is very important as it encourages them to become independent, confident and successful members of the community. Clubs change on a termly basis in order to offer as much choice as possible. Letters will be sent out for your child to select their preference. There are a limited number of places available so we aim to share these out fairly.


After School Clubs

Trips and Visitors

Throughout the year we endeavour to offer the children a wide variety of activities. This includes a number of trips and a diverse selection of visitors to the school. These rich experiences broaden the children’s knowledge to better prepare them for future success. Going on school trips helps students gain real-world experiences that cannot be taught in the classroom, opening their minds to different cultures and strengthening their knowledge of the world around them.

From visiting museums, theatres, religious centres and historical sites to going residentials, school trips encourage young people to learn and socialise with peers in a completely different way to within the classroom and are often the experiences they remember the most.


Cultural Capital Map