Letters from the school

Easter Headteacher Newsletter
Friday 26th March 21
Dear Parents and Carers
Easter 2021
On behalf of the staff and governors I wish you and your families a very ‘Happy, Peaceful and Safe Easter Holiday’.
Since we fully re-opened school for all pupils on Monday 8th March we have been delighted with how well children have settled into school life. Over the past two weeks I have visited all the classes to see the children working. I have been very impressed how engaged they have been with their Phonics, Reading, Writing, Maths and other subjects. Teachers have also used this time to assess what children need extra support with in light of school closure during national lockdown. We will use all this information to design a recovery curriculum so all children can catch up with any missed learning.
Lent and Easter
Throughout LENT we have explored different gospel and mission themes:
Diversity and Respect
Fairtrade Fortnight
Inspirational Woman as part of March month of Woman
As part of our final Easter preparations and celebrations the children have created prayer spaces in their classes. Hopefully you have been following these on #stmprayerspaces
Through the subject of Art the children have created beautiful Art displays in the style of famous artists. These displays will be shared with you through twitter and class pages on the website.
Building Work in school
All being well our new Reception area, admin area and other office and staff spaces will be finished not long after the Easter holiday. We are very happy with how it is all looking and very excited to use these updated and more spacious facilities.
Thank you for your support and patience during this building work.
Covid safe
In school we continue to implement and follow Covid safe practices to keep all our school community as safe as possible. These measures will remain in place during the summer term. We will review if and when the government share any updated guidance. We will keep you fully informed of any changes.
Again, thank you for your compliance and support with these Covid Safe measures. The wearing of face masks on school site will remain in place.
Contact Tracing over the Easter break
After school breaks for Easter we all have an important job to ensure that any contacts of a confirmed case are identified and given details of isolation requirements. This will help to keep the virus under control and protect family members and friends. The school will continue to monitor our email address contact@stmichaelscatholicprimary.co.uk until Sunday 28th March. We ask parents to inform us up until this date if their child:
- Develops Covid-19 symptoms (new persistent cough/high temperature/loss of taste or smell)
- has taken a test and is waiting for results
- has tested positive
Please do not delay in informing the school.
If your child develops symptoms or takes a test in which they are positive after Sunday 28th March, they do not need to inform school but you should follow NHS Track and Trace procedures (www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/what-your-test-result-means/).
After School club (Sparkles)
This will re-open after the Easter Holiday on Monday 12th April from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. If your child requires a place, a registration form but be completed before they can attend. Payment must also made on the day or in advance. The registration form can be completed on the link below:
Sparkles Registration Form: https://forms.gle/Y7G8GpwxarJFfZgg6
School Easter Treat
Our school treat! Yesterday all staff and children enjoyed a visit to an Ice Cream Van!
All of the children have been so wonderful getting back into normal school life they really deserved a treat! It was an absolute joy to see how much they enjoyed the ice creams and
Ice lollipops. The staff too!
Have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 12th April.
Thank you
Mrs Rigby
Head Teacher