We will re-open for all pupils, Nursery to year 6. The staff and I are extremely happy to welcome back all the children to once again learn and play together.
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this letter finds you all well. Following the announcement from the Prime Minister, yesterday, who set out the government’s plan for the return of all pupils to schools, as part of the roadmap for leaving lockdown I am delighted to announce our school will re-open on Monday 8th March.
We will re-open for all pupils, Nursery to year 6. The staff and I are extremely happy to welcome back all the children to once again learn and play together.
School Uniform
All children are to return to school in full school uniform.
School Opening and closing times
Morning: 8.40am – 9am
Afternoon: 3pm-3.20pm
The one way and exit system will continue to be in place for both Nursery/infant and junior gates. All adults dropping off or picking up MUST wear a face covering. If you are medically exempt you must observe strict social distancing.
Only one adult per child/children to enter school premises. This is to help us provide ‘space’ on the grounds to help keep Covid safe.
Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club (Early Birds):
This will be re-open on Monday 8th March. 7.45am – 8.40am (no entrance after 8.30am)
After School (Sparkles): This will re-open after the Easter Holiday on Monday 12th April.
Keeping Covid Safe
Our most up to date comprehensive Risk Assessment is available on our website. Click here for the link:
This will be updated over the next few days in preparation for our re-opening. All updated versions are put onto the school website.
What to do if your child has Covid Symptoms?
If your child develops a new and continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell they must stay at home to begin isolation – the isolation period includes the day the symptoms started and the next 10 full days. Please inform school on the first morning of absence and keep school updated throughout. You must arrange for them to have a PCR Covid test as soon as possible. Further details of how to book a test is available on the link below:
Other members of the household, including any siblings, should self-isolate. If your child has a negative result and is feeling well they should return to school. People who are sick with coronavirus may have other symptoms like the flu, including body-aches, headaches, sore throat and tiredness, shortness of breath, nausea or diarrhoea. If your child has these symptoms it is important you also consider booking them a PCR test.
If they don’t have the main symptoms of coronavirus, they do not need to isolate until they get their result, however they do need to continue to take the usual measures to protect and others from illness, such as regular hand washing.
If you have any questions or concerns remember we are here to support you. There is always someone available in school during office hours to listen and help. (T: 0151 263 8460 – 8.15am- 4.30pm) or email michaels-ao@st-michaels.liverpool.sch.uk
Thank you for all your support during this national lockdown and with the current success of the vaccination programme we can be hopeful that schools will not close again.
Best wishes
Mrs Alyson Rigby