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New School Times from Monday 26th April

Dear Parents and Carers,
From Monday 26th April we will be changing the timings of the school day back to our pre-lockdown times.
Gates open at 8.40am
Gates close at 8.50am
Gates open at 3.10pm
Gates close at 3.25pm
If you have children in the infants and juniors, please pick up your infant children first then your junior children…

Letter to Parents and Carers – Pupil Progress Telephone Calls for all parents/carers

I would like to invite you to our ‘Summer Term’ pupil progress telephone calls on the select days. In light of our Covid Safe restrictions and regulations we cannot invite parents and carers into school for a typical parents meeting. But it is still very important we have an opportunity to share with you how your child has settled back into school and the progress they are making with their work. It is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions. Each parent will be given a five minute time slot for a telephone conversation with the class teacher. The teacher will call you from a school telephone at this time…

Letter from Liverpool City Council and Public Health England

Dear Parents and Carers, It is still important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe. Please continue to follow all Coronavirus prevention guidelines, maintain social distancing and wear face coverings wherever possible. School Testing: Upon return, secondary school aged children will be offered a series of three tests at their school under the supervision of a trained operator. Testing is voluntary, and consent must be provided for your child directly to the school. Following on site testing, children may then continue taking twice-weekly tests using a home test kit provided by their school.

Easter Headteacher Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers, Easter 2021. On behalf of the staff and governors I wish you and your families a very ‘Happy, Peaceful and Safe Easter Holiday’. Since we fully re-opened school for all pupils on Monday 8th March we have been delighted with how well children have settled into school life. Over the past two weeks I have visited all the classes to see the children working. I have been very impressed how engaged they have been with their Phonics, Reading, Writing, Maths and other subjects. Teachers have also used this time to assess what children need extra support with in light of school closure during national lockdown…

Ice Cream Visit! – Thursday 25th March

Dear Parents/Carers, Tomorrow as a special Easter treat for the children, we have arranged for an Ice Cream Van to come to school! All children will be able to choose from: A 99 with a flake and sauce, Mr Bubble Ice Lolly, Orange Ice Lolly, Lemonade Ice Lolly, Mr Snow Milk Lolly. If you do not want your child to have any of these things, please let the class teacher or a member of staff on the gate in the morning know.

Sparkles After School Club Reopens on Monday 12th April

We offer our own after school club called Sparkles which costs £5.00 per child and runs from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 3.30pm until 5.30pm. We have also introduced an hour-long session for a reduced £3.00. Contact the school office to register – 0151 263 8460

St. Michael’s World Book Day – Friday 12th March

World Book Day is one of our favourite events of the school year where we spend the whole day celebrating all things reading. This year, each class will look at the book ‘All Are Welcome’ by Alexandra Penfold, which tells the story of a group of children celebrating diversity in their school, just like we do at St. Michael’s. We would love the children to dress up as their favourite book characters or wear pyjamas for a bedtime story on this day, and Mrs Gordon would love the children to bring in a book to share with their friends!

Letter to Parents and Carers – Re-opening Monday 8th March

Dear Parents and Carers, I hope this letter finds you all well. We will re-open for all pupils, Nursery to year 6. All the staff and I are very happy to welcome back all the children to once again learn and play together. School Uniform – All children are to return to school in full school uniform. Uniform is available in Asda and other supermarkets – children do not need school branded jumpers/ pinafores etc. Children should wear a winter PE kit on their PE days – jogging bottoms/ leggings and sweatshirts as PE will take place outside.

Letter from Liverpool City Council and Public Health England

Dear Parents and Carers, It is still important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe. Please continue to follow all Coronavirus prevention guidelines, maintain social distancing and wear face coverings wherever possible. School Testing: Upon return, secondary school aged children will be offered a series of three tests at their school under the supervision of a trained operator. Testing is voluntary, and consent must be provided for your child directly to the school. Following on site testing, children may then continue taking twice-weekly tests using a home test kit provided by their school.