All posts by Nicola Birch

Maths Party Day for Infants

On Friday 1st October we would like all the infant children and staff to dress up as their favourite rock star or singer!
We will spend the day exploring times tables, number bonds and all things Maths! And of course partying….

Liverpool Maths Party Day

To celebrate we will be having a Times Tables Rock Star Party Day here in school.
On Friday 24th September we would like all children and staff to dress up as their favourite rock star or singer!
We will spend the day exploring times tables, number bonds and all things Maths! And of course partying….

OxWell Student Survey for Years 5 & 6

All pupils in years 5 and 6 will be invited to complete the survey unless you contact the school to opt-out your child. If for any reason you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please notify the school 0151 263-8460 or by Wednesday 23rd June.

Letter from Liverpool City Council. E-Scooters

Dear Parents/Guardians & Pupils: There is a lot of confusion regarding the use of E-scooters on our roads across Merseyside. Liverpool has been nominated as one of several cities to trial the rental orange e-scooters operated by VOI and they have been given a temporary VSO (vehicle special order) to allow them to operate and riders to ride E-scooters legally. It is important to understand that Private E-scooters (i.e. any scooters not operated by VOI) have not been given a VSO and are therefore illegal to use except on private land and then, only with landowner’s permission.

Sparkles After School Club to close on Friday 14th May

Unfortunately Sparkles, after-school club, will close on Friday 14th May 2021.
We will endeavour to re-open in September if there are sufficient numbers of children. I will keep you updated about this. In the mean time, if you still require after school childcare, there is help and recommendations on the Liverpool City Council website.

New School Times from Monday 26th April

Dear Parents and Carers,
From Monday 26th April we will be changing the timings of the school day back to our pre-lockdown times.
Gates open at 8.40am
Gates close at 8.50am
Gates open at 3.10pm
Gates close at 3.25pm
If you have children in the infants and juniors, please pick up your infant children first then your junior children…

Letter to Parents and Carers – Pupil Progress Telephone Calls for all parents/carers

I would like to invite you to our ‘Summer Term’ pupil progress telephone calls on the select days. In light of our Covid Safe restrictions and regulations we cannot invite parents and carers into school for a typical parents meeting. But it is still very important we have an opportunity to share with you how your child has settled back into school and the progress they are making with their work. It is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions. Each parent will be given a five minute time slot for a telephone conversation with the class teacher. The teacher will call you from a school telephone at this time…