Statements from our last inspections
St Michael’s Catholic Primary School was inspected by Ofsted in February 2020. The inspectors said…
Pupils at the school speak over 40 languages, come from all over the world and have a wide range of abilities and interests. In the school, they quickly become one large, happy family where they all get on well with each other and take care of each other
St Michael’s Catholic Primary School was inspected by Ofsted in February 2020. The inspectors said…
This is a school where it’s easy to make friends’, ‘this is a caring school’ and ‘we feel safe here’ are typical of the comments that the pupils we spoke to made during the inspection.
St Michael’s Catholic Primary School was inspected by Ofsted in February 2020. The inspectors said…
Under the strong leadership of the headteacher, staff work very well as a team. All staff know what is expected of them and are working well together to achieve the school’s aims.
The school was inspected by the Archdiocese of Liverpool for Religious Education in December 2012. The inspectors said…
Pupils make an outstanding contribution to and benefit greatly from the Catholic Life of the school