Monday 5th September 2022
New Online Payment System
Dear Parents/Carers
We are delighted to inform you that we have recently signed up to the online payment system, School Money. This means that you will now be able to make payments for school meals, Breakfast Club and Sparkles After School Club, school trips etc on the school app with your debit or credit card. The system is up and running so payments can be made straight away. This cashless system will be more efficient for both school and families.
What to do
You should now see a “payments” tab under the content section of the existing parent app. The first time you log in you will need to enter your mobile number and you will receive a code via text message to log in.
Breakfast Club and Sparkles
All children will need to be booked in via the app and paid upfront to be able to attend. This needs to be done in advance each week. You will be able to book online until midnight the day before. We will only be taking bookings on the day if there is a genuine emergency.
Breakfast Club is available for 50p per day. Sparkles is available for a maximum of 25 children at a cost of £3 for a half session (until 4:30pm) and £5 for a full session (until 5:30pm). Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Once all places are full, you will no longer be able to book via the app.
School Meals
All parents will need to go on to the app to book their child in for a school meal even if they are entitled to either Free School Meals or Universal Infant Free School Meals. This is so the kitchen are able to plan for the number of children they need to cater for each day. There is also an option to show if your child will be bringing a packed lunch to school with them. You will be able to book online until midnight the day before. All school meals will need paying for in advance at a cost of £2 per day (£10 per week).
If you have any trouble accessing this new payment system please contact the school office ASAP as we will no longer be accepting cash. This new, improved system may take us all a little time to get used to but it is more efficient and many schools now use similar online payment apps and it proves to be very advantageous.
Yours sincerely
Mrs A Rigby
Head Teacher