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Catholic Education Inspection – May 2024

Dear Parents/Carers                            Monday 17th June 2024


Catholic Education Inspection

May 2024

Wow! Fantastic! Congratulations! Wonderful News! Brilliant! We were judged as …….. OUTSTANDING

As you are aware on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd May we had our Catholic Education Inspection. A team of three inspectors from Liverpool Archdiocese spent two days in our school to inspect the quality of:

  • Catholic Life and Mission  (Outstanding)
  • Religious Education            (Outstanding)
  • Collective Worship             (Outstanding)


The Inspectors observed the teaching of RE in every class, and a number of Collective Worships including an assembly. They looked at children’s work, chatted to them about their learning in class and spoke to many groups of children including the school council and our Mini Vinnies. They spent time meeting with staff and governors including myself, Father FitzGerald and Mrs Roscoe our RE Leader.

As part of this thorough inspection they read a significant amount of our paperwork, polices and Catholic Education related school documents. They visited the lunch hall at dinnertime and spent time outside at break times.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who completed the Inspection Questionnaire and those that had the chance to chat to the inspectors at drop off times. All this feedback contributes to our grades.

We are delighted with the outcome and feel that it justly reflects the excellent practice in our school.

Please click below for a full copy of our report.

A sincere congratulations to all. Thank you to all the staff, children, governors, Fr FitzGerald and parents/carers who in partnership have secured this brilliant achievement for our school St Michael’s.

Thank you  

Alyson Rigby    (A very proud Headteacher)