January 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians
Thank you to all the parents/guardians and pupils who are walking, cycling, or parking further away from the school gates to avoid congestion in the local areas to the school.
Sadly however, there are still motorists who continue to create problems for fellow pupils and parents by parking:
- on the School KEEP CLEAR Markings
- in the location of the School Crossing Patrol
- close to junctions
- on/in front of dropped kerbs
- on double/single yellow lines
- double parking
- in front of resident driveways
- on pavements – the constant bumping up onto the pavement with doors swinging open across the footway continues to pose an ongoing hazard for pedestrians.
It really should not take enforcement or continuous letters to emphasise the need to think considerately about how we park around the school. Therefore, please make it a NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION to park safely away from the school and walk that final few minutes in.
Road Safety Team, Liverpool City Council