Sunday 26th September 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
School fully open for all children on Monday
I am delighted to inform you that the electrical fault in the infant building has now been fixed and we have resumed normal power.
The full school, (Nursery, Infants and Juniors) will be all open on Monday 27th September as normal.
I am sincerely sorry for the disruption on Friday for the nursery and infant children who were unable to attend school. I was particularly upset because I know how much they were all looking forward to the ‘Maths Party’ dressed as Rockstars! The outfits looked amazing!
For the Nursery and Infant children, we will now have this event on Friday 1st October.
Thank you for all your support and patience.
I wish you and your families a lovely weekend.
Mrs Alyson Rigby