Come and See is a Catholic Primary Religious Education programme for Foundation and Key stages 1 and 2. The programme of study, written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors was introduced across the Federation in September 2012 and has been warmly received by staff and pupils. The child friendly material provided within Come and See allows children to explore the teachings of the Catholic church through the use of age appropriate resources and activities.
Each year group from Foundation 1 to year 6 have their own list of focus topics to consider throughout the academic year. The topic will coincide with the church calendar however, the depth in which the topic is explored is dependent upon the respective age of the child. For example, during Lent, whilst all children will learn about the plight of Christ, our Early Years children will consider the importance of growing and new life; Key Stage 1 children explore the effect of change and opportunities, with Key Stage 2 children considering the importance of self-discipline, sacrifice, death and new life.
Each topic is split into 3 sections-
Children learn through shared experiences and make connections between their life experiences and their friends.
At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition.
Children remember and celebrate what they have learnt and apply their knowledge individually.
Children learn through shared experience and make connections between life’s experiences and the gospel teachings. Teaching methods stimulate activities resulting in a response from the ‘heart’ of the child, developing attitudes of respect and reverence and an understanding that following Jesus is a call to holiness and wholeness of life.
Children are taught in as creative a way as possible, using for example, role play, hot seating, drama, art, music, reflection; the children learn and live through experiencing living faith.
At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition.
To know You more clearly
The new Religious Education Directory Curriculum ‘To know You more clearly’ was introduced in EYFS in the last academic year. The programme has been introduced in KS1 and will be progressively rolled out across KS2.
EYFS and KS1 RE Long Term Plan 2024
Come and See at St. Michael's
First Holy Communion - With You Always Programme
Here at St Michael’s we encourage the children to be personal examples of the life of God within us all. They are reminded to attend Mass and all the Sacraments. Our Parish Priest Father Fitzgerald and the Catechists work alongside our parents and the school community, in the children’s preparation for receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. The children follow the WITH YOU ALWAYS program and this is delivered through monthly meetings and workshops during the Autumn and Spring terms of year 4. Children then make their first Reconciliation in the Autumn term and receive their First Communion during the Summer term.
Quotes from May 2024 Catholic Schools Inspection
Wow! Fantastic! Congratulations! Wonderful News! Brilliant! We were judged as …….. OUTSTANDING
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School is outstanding in providing Catholic Education
‘St Michael’s is indeed an oasis of love and hope for all.’
Pupils greatly value the Catholic life and mission of St Michael’s. They speak of its unique story, as part of the local and global Church. They clearly articulate their mission values that are inspired by the gospels and explain how these are embedded in all aspects of school life.
The behaviour of pupils is exemplary in lessons and throughout the school.
Pupils are religiously literate. They are engaged young people who think ethically and theologically. They are very articulate in their ideas and
explanations, particularly when discussing scripture and its impact on their lives.
Pupils enjoy their lessons with passion and enthusiasm. They are curious learners who enjoy collaboration and active interaction. Consequently, behaviour is exceptional.
Pupils respond well to and enjoy the experience of prayer and liturgy provided at St Michael’s. They sing joyfully, reflect in silence and respond respectfully. Pupils willingly lead aspects of prayer and liturgy, such as preparing the focus table, with religious artefacts from their golden box.
The mission statement, ‘With Jesus we can achieve what we dream and believe’, is known, lived and witnessed throughout the school. It is underpinned with mission values which are woven, like a golden thread throughout the whole curriculum.
Teachers have high levels of subject knowledge and teaching expertise. Consistent routines and high-quality strategies for teaching and learning, combined with high expectations, maximise engagement of pupils.
Praise, encouragement and immediate feedback ensure pupils understand their next steps in learning. Teaching assistants are used very effectively to optimise learning for all pupils.
The school is committed to the service of those in greatest need, for
example, the provision of family hampers at Christmas. Dedication to the local and global Church inspired fundraising for the Big Help Project and for Cafod, through the Big Lent Walk. The large pastoral team is highly skilled in engaging with parents and carers, to the benefit of pupils.
Leaders, Governors and Parish Priest
Leaders and governors are energised, joyful and dedicated to the fulfilment of the Church’s mission in education. They are a source of inspiration for the whole community as exemplary witnesses to the Gospel. Effective self-evaluation includes gathering the views of pupils and parents, which influences the direction of the school at every level.
Leaders and governors ensure that the school curriculum for religious education reflects the learning required by the current directory.
The head teacher is an inspiring model of exemplary practice for staff and pupils. She leads prayer in response to mission values or the needs of her school community.
The subject leader’s (Mrs Roscoe) vision and effective monitoring have each led to targeted support and strategic action planning. Her expertise is valued by all staff.
Governors are frequent visitors to the school. They are fully involved in self-evaluation and informed by presentations and detailed head teacher’s reports.
The parish priest is a welcome and regular visitor to classrooms to support aspects of learning in religious education.
Parents and Carers
One parent said, “This is a wonderful school that goes above and beyond to support the local community.”
Thank you Alyson Rigby Headteacher