Exam & Assessment Results at St Michael's
We believe that effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. We give our children regular feedback on their learning so that they understand what it is that they need to do better. This allows us to base our lesson plans on a detailed knowledge of each pupil. We give parents regular reports on their child’s progress so that teachers, children and parents are all working together to raise standards for all our children.
End of KS2 results 2023/2024
2024 |
Expected standard | Higher
standard |
standard |
School difference to national |
Reading | 79% | 34% | 74% | +5% |
Writing | 74% | 9% | 72% | +2% |
Maths | 81% | 19% | 73% | +8% |
GPS | 86% | 65% | 72% | +14% |
Combined (RWM) | 72% | 5% | 61% | +11% |
Year 1 PSC results 2023/2024
75% of pupils in Year One attained the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check.
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