Year 4 Inspirations

Home Learning

Welcome to our new class page!

Here you will find updates, information and daily tweets from the Inspirations.

This term our PE days this term (Autumn 2) are Monday and Friday. Please ensure that children come into school wearing their full PE kit on these days.

Homework will be given out every Friday, to be returned the following Friday. Children should go on TTRS 3 times per week.    This year children will be tested officially on their times tables and their results will be published.  Please support your child every week to learn their times tables.  Every week we will have a specific focus on a times table each week.

Spelling tests will be every Friday.

Ensure you are reading with your child three times per week and go on

Reading Plus three times per week at home.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

In Year 4, all children will be tested on their rapid recall of multiplication facts.

The Year 4 Times Tables Test, is an annual check that Year 4s in England and Wales have a good level of times tables knowledge. Each child’s results will be known to the school and the government will have a national picture.

The check administration window for the official June 2023 check is 2 weeks, from Monday 5 June to Friday 16 June.

Below is the link to any guidance you may want or need to help your child. At St. Michael’s, we offer a lot of help and support to your child to help them get the best mark possible.

Here are some website resources you can use at home to help your child practice:
